The free SA Fishing app is a must-have guide with all the information you need to fish in South Australia.

Fishing Regulations

The Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) is the government agency responsible for managing South Australia’s fish stocks on behalf of the government and community.

You do not need a license for recreational fishing in South Australia. You will need a permit when fishing in certain reservoirs. You must follow all rules and restrictions when fishing in South Australian waters, including:

  • size, bag, boat and possession limits
  • restrictions to the type and combination of fishing gear you can use
  • registering and marking your gear
  • temporal and spatial fishing closures
  • the complete protection of some species
  • reservoir fishing rules.

Some fish species are protected and must not be taken at any time, during certain stages of their life cycle, for example during their reproductive period, during certain times of the year and from particular closed areas or reserves. If you catch a protected species you must return it to the water immediately. Anyone who takes or causes harm to a protected species may face heavy fines.

Recreational fishing is currently available at a number of SA Water’s reservoirs at Happy Valley, South Para, Myponga, Warren, Bundaleer and Beetaloo. A Reservoir Fishing Permit is required to fish in all South Australian reservoirs.


Fishwatch Hotline

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Freecall 1800 065 522

Call the Fishwatch Hotline for information about rules and regulations, licensing and registration and reporting shark sightings.