
Why should you antifoul?

If your boat lives afloat then the seawater and marine particles can build-up on the underside of your hull. This growth of marine algae can significantly affect the performance of your hull and your fuel efficiency. Heavy levels of growth on the hull can slow powerboats by 5knots and could increase fuel consumption by over 30%.

What is Antifouling.

Antifouling aims to keep the hull of boats free from barnacles and algae by applying an ablative paint. Antifoul is painted onto the hull to inhibit marine growth

When to antifoul.

The frequency of antifouling depends on the usage and storage of your boat. Boats that live afloat or that are used regularly should be checked every year to assess whether it needs reapplying. Boats that live ashore and have been washed down may only need antifouling every other year. 

At Can Do Marine, Copper Coast Marine Centre, we are able to asses and if necessary, prepare your boat and reapply a suitable antifoul product.

A professional will also know what else to look for that might otherwise go undetected, such as checking the skin fittings and anodes. Also, removing old coatings requires professional equipment in a controlled, enclosed environment, as this is done by abrasive blasting or with chemical strippers.

There are numerous regulations and health and safety requirements when working with antifouling paints and chemicals and here at the Copper Coast Marine Centre, we can assure you that all EPA and associated regulations are strictly adhered to, as well as completing a professional job to the highest standards.